The Effect of Quality of Work Life on Job Satisfaction of Academic Staff in Indonesia Higher Education


Andita Sayekti, Fendy Suhariadi, Nuri Herachwati, Irna Noerrochmah

DOI: 10.5110/77. 1047                Page:   121 – 135                Vol: 18   Issue: 09  Year: 2023

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Quality of work-life is an expression of the importance of appreciation for employees in carrying out activities in the work environment. Implementation of good quality of work-life will create a positive attitude and lead to job satisfaction for employees. The purposes of this research are identification academic staff perception of the quality of work-life and job satisfaction in Indonesia Higher Education and to analyze of the influence of quality of work-life towards job satisfaction on academic staff in in Indonesia Higher Education. The data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and SEM-PLS. Perceptions of the academic staff on quality of work-life and job satisfaction, indicated that is considered good implementation. The influence of quality of work-life and job satisfaction showed a positive and significant can be found at pride, compensation, and employee participation factor.


Academic Staff, Job satisfaction, Quality of work-life, SEM-PLS

Received: 27  October  2023

Accepted: 10  November  2023

Published: 19  November  2023