TITLE: Healing Built Environment for Children Cancer Patient a Systematic Review
AUTHORS: Anggra Ayu Rucitra, Purwanita Setijanti, dan Asri Dinapradipta
DOI: 10.5110/77. 1001 Page: 05-29 Vol: 18 Issue: 08 Year: 2023
A systematic review to find evidence base about the healing environment for pediatric cancer patients: the healing process is a process that connects physiological conditions and psychological conditions. Children with cancer must undergo long-term treatment to improve the quality of life, prolong life expectancy, and aim to cure. A systematic review study examined 1148 papers, read the abstracts, and then selected 27 papers, of which 5 were review papers. This research complements environmental behavior study and healing built environment. Where research on exceptional cases is still rarely done, especially in pediatric patients with chronic cancer. This study found the built environment needed by pediatric cancer patients through an in-depth study of writing. This section discusses theoretical propositions that are refined following the interpretation and synthesis of the literature findings. The findings from this systematic review are that the built environment related to improving children’s quality of life is in palliative care, health infrastructure, facilities, environment, social demographics, illness variables, child depression level, self-healing, and quality of life.
Keywords: healing environment; children cancer; health care facility; environment behavior studies; pediatric cancer
Received: 24 August 2023
Accepted: 17 September 2023
Published: 01 October 2023