Analysis and evaluation of electrical energy consumption models for housing
Catra Indra Cahyadi, Sukarwoto, Suwarno, Doni Pinayungan
DOI: 10.5110/77. 1107 Page: 21-33 Vol: 19 Issue: 02 Year: 2024
Housing is a primary need for everyone, therefore electricity needs must be met for daily activities. Access to electricity will have a positive impact, but many villages in Indonesia still experience poverty. Therefore, the government is implementing a program to procure a 35,000 MW power plant to overcome the problem of poverty. This research aims to evaluate and analyze the electrical energy provided for the needs of the village community itself in a bottom-up manner, namely determining peak loads, electricity consumption, reliability of the electricity distribution system, community characteristics, predicting electricity needs, and determining appropriate electrical energy needs. The use of electrical energy must be managed as well as possible so that there is no waste in its use, but remains comfortable and safe to use. The proposed research method is descriptive quantitative and comparative. Analysis and evaluation of the model with multiple linear regression with the help of SPSS software. The research results obtained, the results of the ttest (partial) showed that the intensity of electrical energy use, and the number of equipment used had a positive and significant effect on household electricity needs, while the results of the Ftest (simultaneous) showed that the intensity of electricity use, the number of equipment used and the number of Family members have a positive influence on household electrical energy needs.
Intensity of electricity use, Number of appliances used, Number of family members, ‘t-test and ‘F’ test.
Received: 05 January 2024
Accepted: 22 January 2024
Published: 13 February 2024