
The impact of transformational leadership on the organizational culture in the Yemeni telecommunications sector


Ebrahim Taher Ali Ghanem, Sinan Ghaleb Al -Marhadi

DOI10.5110/77. 1113               Page:   127-145           Vol: 19    Issue: 02   Year: 2024

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This research Work aimed to investigate the impact of transformational leadership in its dimensions (ideal influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, individual considerations, empowerment) on the organizational culture in the Yemeni telecommunications sector. The research used the descriptive analytical method and to collect field data, he relied on the questionnaire tool The size of the study population was (452) male and female workers and sample (287) male and female workers.The level of availability of transformational leadership in the communications sector understudy is high all dimensions. The level of availability of Organizational Culture in the communications sector understudy is high all dimensions. and there is an statistically significant impact of transformational leadership (Idealized Influence, motivation Inspirational, Individualized consideration, stimulation Intellectual, Empowerme) on organizational culture in the Yemeni telecommunications sector.


Transformational Leadership, Organizational Culture.

Received: 29 January 2024

Accepted: 12 February 2024

Published: 19 February 2024