Khalilov Azer.A, Rustamov Sadi.N., Mekhtiyev Arastun.M., Aliyeva Dinara.T , Mammadova A.M.
DOI: 10.5110/77. 1095 Page: 46-59 Vol: 19 Issue: 01 Year: 2024
In our republic, works on the evaluation of soils are carried out according to the following methodology [4]: first, the standard soil and price criteria are selected in the studied area (usually these criteria are the reserves of humus, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium in the soil in the root spreading layer and the total amount of absorbed bases) and based on these criteria the main credit rating scale is established. Then correction coefficients are found based on the correlative relationship between the productivity of agricultural plants and the internal diagnostic indicators of the soil, and at the final stage, a final bonity scale is established by applying correction coefficients (granulometric composition, soil layer thickness, salinization, shorification, erosion, waterlogging, etc.) and final credit scores are found. The studies usually end with the agro-production grouping of the lands and the drawing up of credit cartograms. At the moment, these studies on soil evaluation in our republic are genetic-production and more agroecologically oriented, and have entered the science under the name of “traditional soil evaluation”. It should be noted that at the beginning of the 21st century, the assessment of land on an agro-ecological basis has become relevant again both in our country and abroad.
Agriculture, The evaluation of soils, Bonity scale, Economic, Cadastral district
Received: 19 December 2023
Accepted: 02 January 2024
Published: 10 January 2024