AUTHORS: Anindita Puspita, Sri Setyaningsih, Herfina
DOI: 10.5110/77. 1408 Page: 104-122 Vol: 19 Issue: 04 Year: 2024
This research aims to produce strategies and ways to increase the work productivity of boarding private junior high school teachers in Bogor Regency by strengthening the variables of knowledge management, empowerment, and self-efficacy as independent variables and work discipline variables, as well as achievement motivation as an intervening variable. The research sample was 156 samples taken using stratified proportional random sampling in 8 sub-districts. This research uses a survey method with a path analysis approach and is followed by SITOREM analysis.
The results of this research can be concluded: 1). There is a direct positive influence of work productivity variables on knowledge management, 2). There is a direct positive influence of work productivity variables on empowerment. 3). There is a direct positive influence of work productivity variables on self-efficacy. 4). There is a direct positive influence of work productivity variables on work discipline, 5). There is a direct positive influence of work productivity variables on achievement motivation, 6). There is a direct positive influence of work discipline variables on knowledge management, 7). There is a direct positive influence of work discipline variables on empowerment. 8). There is a direct positive influence of the achievement motivation variable on empowerment 9). There is a direct positive influence of the achievement motivation variable on self-efficacy. 10). There is a positive indirect influence between knowledge management on work productivity through work discipline. 11) there is a positive indirect influence between empowerment on work productivity through work discipline, 12) there is a positive indirect influence between empowerment on work productivity through achievement motivation, and 13) there is a positive indirect influence between self-efficacy on work productivity through achievement motivation.
The results of the SITOREM analysis show that based on the priority order of improvement the indicators of the variables are 1) knowledge sharing and distribution, 2) knowledge acquisition, 3) knowledge assimilation, 4) desire to excel, 5) encouragement to obtain feedback on performance, 6) decision-making capacity, 7) accountability, 8) modeling (exemplary) from individual superiors, 9) compliance with regulations, 10) responsibility, 11) stability towards goals, 12) mastery of tasks carried out, 13) quantity of work, 14) quality of work achieved.
Work Productivity, Knowledge Management, Empowerment, Self-Efficacy, Work Discipline, and Achievement Motivation
Received: 10 January 2024
Accepted: 26 March 2024
Published: 30 April 2024