School Partnership Management With The Business World And Industry To Improve The Competence Of Vocational Graduates


Deny Setiawan, Ibrahim Bafadal, Achmad Supriyanto, Syamsul Hadi

DOI10.5110/77. 1083               Page:   65-86            Vol: 18    Issue: 10   Year: 2023

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The purpose of this study is to find out: (1) management of school partnership relations with the Business and Industrial World (DUDI) in State Vocational High School ; (2) form of partnership; (3) supporting factors ; (4) barriers to partnership; (5) how to overcome obstacles in the partnership. The type of research used is qualitative descriptive. Data collection techniques include interviews, observations, and documentation studies . Data analysis techniques use data reduction analysis methods , data presentation , conclusions and making recommendations. The results showed : (1) management of school partnerships with the business world and the industrial world at State Vocational High School Negeri 1 Blitar majoring in Buildings, Machinery and Electricity; (2) Forms of partnership in the form of curriculum adjustments with DUDI, internships, vocational competency examiners , community service, labor absorption by DUDI and industrial visits ; (3) Supporting factors for partnership in the form of common vision and mission, mutually beneficial interests of the school and DUDI, ability and support from the school committee , availability of facilities and infrastructure; (4) Factors inhibiting partnerships in the form of differences in school orientation and DUDI, lack of productive teachers , limited time and funding resources , school mileage far away, the lack of DUDI numbers, and the capacity of DUDI. (5) How to overcome obstacles by establishing communication, exploring sources of funds, expanding partnership networks , rolling for interns.


Management, Partnership, DUDI , Graduate competence

Received: 17 November 2023

Accepted: 06 December 2023

Published: 12 December 2023